Translation Policy: This specialized publication of awards, decisions and summaries is available in English only according to Regulation 671/92 which exempts it from translation under the French Language Services Act. To obtain information in French, please contact the Ontario Police Arbitration and Adjudication Commission at or 416-314-3520.

N.B. Awards and decisions relating to hearings where the clients have participated in both English and French will be released in both languages simultaneously.

Section 40 Rights

Severance issues arising from the abolition or reduction of a police force.

Query Results
Classification Award # Award Date Arbitrator Municipality
Illness and Disability   - Return to work - Disbandment of force - Not possible to determine severance entitlement of former Acting Chief while grievor still absent on long-term disability - Hearing adjourned - Interim award. Section 40
See Also: Disbandment, Illness and Disability
Download PDF file 02-022 12/23/2002 McLaren, R. Meaford-Thornbury

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