Numéro de sentence arbitrale 12-013

Hanover Police Association
- and -
Hanover Police Services Board

Voir le texte intégral de ce prix ou voir résumé ci-dessous

Award Date: 2012-12-05
Arbitre: Knopf, P.
Voir les prix par Knopf, P.
Municipalité: Hanover
Voir les prix а partir de Hanover
Région: Central
Voir les prix а partir de Central
Classifications: Severance
Plaignant: Association
Comparutions: N. Jones, D. Cooney, student-at-law and D. Newell, pour l'Association
B. Glover, pour l'employeur
Longueur:4 pp
Référence conventions collective
Référence législative Police Services Act, s. 40


Severance   Civilian members - Arbitration pursuant to s. 40 of Police Services Act - Members entitled to severance payment of one month multiplied by entitlement factor - Members entitled to additional week multiplied by entitlement factor in recognition of loss of rights under collective agreement - Members further entitled to continued pension and benefits for entitlement period or 20% in lieu - Members to elect receipt of severance by retiring allowance lump sum payment or salary continuation - Transition allowances, letters of reference and access to internal job postings for municipal government to be made available.


The parties met for a mediation-arbitration pursuant to s. 40 of the Police Services Act to deal with unresolved matters of severance resulting from the reduction of the Hanover Police Service and the consequent termination of employment for civilian members

# de sentence arbirale

Having regard to the parties’ evidence and submissions, the arbitrator ordered: •Severance payment of one month for each member multiplied by the entitlement factor •An additional week for each member multiplied by the entitlement factor in respect of the loss of rights under the collective agreement •Members to elect to receive such severance payment either by retiring allowance lump sum payment or by salary continuation •Members who elect to receive lump sum payment entitled to an additional 20% in lieu of pension and benefits; members who elect salary continuation to receive continued pension and benefits for duration of entitlement period; part-time members electing salary continuation to continue receiving 20% in lieu of pension and benefits •All members entitled to a transition allowance for expenses directly related to retraining, career counselling, out-placement service and relocations.Full-time members’ transition allowance not to exceed $4,000; part-time members’ transition allowance not to exceed $1,000. •Police Chief to provide letters of reference upon request •Board to ensure that internal Town of Hanover job postings forwarded to members upon request; board to encourage Town to recognize member’s prior service with board •Arbitrator to remain seized concerning status and/or entitlement in respect of one member •Arbitrator to remain seized with respect to implementation of award.

Voir le texte intégral de ce prix